Friday, November 19, 2010

Slim Patch

❤❤懒人睡睡享瘦贴❤❤ SLIM PATCH❤❤





Ingredients: mint, resin, phytoncid, natural mineral powder, natural essential oils

Stool and remove foil principle, is a natural gastrointestinal motility by the body to clear the residual waste that can effectively help gastrointestinal function, the body residue of the old will be excreted naturally to reduce the burden, the effect of body modification, and without any side effects, is the most secure rapid slimming good helper!
Affixed to the body circulation services are poor metabolizers of Service (example: in the accumulation of excess fat around the waist, big legs, butterfly sleeves, hips ... ... and so on).
✿day one, pasted up in the morning every night, removed the OK, the foil directly attached to your belly button, use if abdominal pain, feeling faint, or have a slightly lower body still applied itching, this is a normal detoxification !
✿ added: box on the print is not more than three hours a day, after practice every night before bed proved to be affixed in the morning tear up the best use.

Professional: Science supplement female body fat dissolving enzyme, from the fundamental solution of the married and cohabiting women's weight loss plastic-body problem.
High: absorbed quickly, to add fat dissolving enzyme that day. 3-8 kg plastic body 35 days.
Concentration: The Extraction of European art, composition is highly concentrated in the essence.
Multi-effect: plastic body, weight loss, rejuvenation and detoxification four effective one, comprehensive solution to female fat distortion, skin relaxation, feces and other issues.
Security: the essence of pure biological extract, without any chemical additives. After use will not cause nausea, diarrhea, dizziness and other side effects.

Slim Patch